Expert Violin Teacher Karen Grace
Fees from January 1st 2023:
60 minutes: £48
45 minutes: £37
30 minutes: £26
General guidance:
Adults tend to book 60 minute lessons.
Children aged 7 tend to start with 30 minutes, and then progress to 45 minutes, and eventually an hour, when it is felt the child has the stamina and parents are ready to step up their investment. Please do approach me anytime about this !
Lessons are paid for in blocks, in advance (as below) but do feel free to request a single 30 minute taster lesson for £27.
Giving notice.
If for whatever reason, you plan to stop having lessons with me, I kindly ask that you give me at least 1 month's notice.
The only exception being that I am happy for people to give notice by the end of the calendar year, for termination of lessons in the new year. This is because I get lots of enquiries in the new year !

Payment practicals
Children: Invoices are sent out termly, but I am happy to be paid in 2 half termly installments, if that suits your needs better.
Lessons during holiday times can be arranged upon request, depending on my availability.
Adult students: I will invoice at the same time as for children, so expect to pay for blocks of 6/7 weeks in advance . Please let me know in good time (before invoices go out) any breaks you would like to take from weekly lessons if you are going away etc. Thanks :).
If I am unable to deliver your lesson for any reason, the lesson will be resheduled or refunded as a last resort.
If the student can't make a lesson for unavoidable reasons (eg sickness) I will offer an alternative time slot. In the instance where the student is unable to make an alternative time, I will consider this lesson as a cancellation (with no refund available.)
I am happy to reschedule 2 lessons per half term. Any more than that will be considered cancellations. Repeated cancellations (more than 2 per half term) and/or non payment of invoices in time may result in me unfortunately terminating our teaching agreement.
Please feel you can approach me!
If you have any concerns or queries about my teaching- whether it's the my teaching approach, or any practical aspect, please don't hesitate to raise it with me. It may result it me explaining my reason for doing something, or it may serve as valuable feedback to enable me to improve my service. Either way, please do feel you can approach me.